Value of SADD

As a youth prevention program that evolves from local level efforts, SADD is:

Age Appropriate
SADD is tailored for the cognitive and emotional age ranges of the student populations served. Whatever age group you wish to focus on, SADD can be utilized. Current Chapters range from elementary-level to young adults.

Culturally Appropriate
SADD offers all youth the opportunity to get involved and lead prevention initiatives in their individual communities. With guidance from the adult advisor and assessment tools provided from SADD National, SADD students determine program needs for their communities and implement strategies that mirror the cultural values of the target youth population in their localities.

Long-Term, Sustainable
SADD is available for students through the school career, starting in elementary schools and continuing through high school and even college. SADD reaches into more schools and touches more young people for longer periods of time than any other program.

SADD is free to all those who want to join. Fundraising, grants, and donations pay for all programming. SADD National charges no dues or fees.

Strong in Dissemination Capability
With thousands of chapters nationwide, SADD is able to reach millions of youth across the country with prevention messages and programs. The activities of SADD chapters impact school populations, parents, local community organizations, businesses, law enforcement agencies, and the media. Currently, SADD tailors prevention efforts to foster youth resilience by:

  • promoting skills to resist the use of alcohol and others drugs;
  • building social competency skills;
  • promoting normative education designed to correct students’ misperceptions about their peers’ drug use;
  • including a strong parent component;
  • reaching out to all diverse populations including children with behavior problems or learning disabilities;
  • providing interactive methods, such as peer discussion groups; and
  • launching youth media campaigns and lobbying for policy changes.

Expansion and Collaboration of Services
Active and vibrant SADD chapters spawn other chapters, increasing exposure of young people across the country to SADD’s youth development initiatives and positive norms.



SADD chapters serve as a direct link to the heart of a school system and the community. Using students themselves as primary agents and meaningful contributors, SADD chapters have become an efficient and effective avenue for quality programming to be implemented in thousands of schools and communities across the country.

Ultimately, SADD has the potential to lead the youth culture into a new era where young people passionately embrace their ability and desire to nurture and protect their minds, bodies, spirits, and futures.